A 55year old with weakness of body

 This is an online E-log entry blog to discuss and understand the clinical data analysis of a patient, to develop competency in comprehending clinical problems, and providing evidence- based inputs in order to come up with a diagnosis and effective treatment plan to the best of my ability.

A 55year old came to hospital with chief complaints of weakness since 1 month which increased in last 5 days.

History of presenting illness:

Patient had joint pains since 6years , it was associated with fever. He has been taking Fabric 40 for that joint pains.

Cough since 2 years which was insidious in onset, gradually progressive, with sputum .

Sputum was pale coloured , filled 1/2 cup for whole  day , cough increased at night.

Fever since 1 month which was on and off , he used medication for fever.

Weakness of body started 1 month back when he took alcohol in excess amount and was not eating food properly. Weakness of body increased in last 5 days .

He has shortness of breath since 1 month grade 3 (mmrc grading)

 3 years ago he had decreased urine output and when he went to hospital he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. In last 3 years  hemodialysis was done for 10 times.

He is a known case of hypertension since 5 years and on medication.

Known case of diabetes since 3 years and on medication.

He was admitted twice in hospital for history of seizures 6years and 3years ago. No medication was used after seizure episode.

Personal history:

Appetite: decreased.

Sleep: disturbed due to cough.

Bowel and bladder:Normal.

Drinks alcohol everyday.

General examination:

Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative.

Poorly built and nourished 

Pallor -present.

Icterus, Clubbing ,Cyanosis , lymphadenopathy ,edema - absent.

Vitals on admission:

Pulse :


Respiratory rate:


Systemic examination:

Respiratory system:


Chest expansion decreased on left side.

Trachea in midline.

Supraclavicular and infraclavicular hollowing present.


Trachea in midline.

Chest expansion decreased on left side.

Vocal fremitus cant be done because patient is not cooperative.


  Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular , Mammary areas : hyper resonant on right side , Resonant on left side.

Other areas can't be done.


Vesicular breath sounds on right side.

Tubular breath sounds heard on left side.

Central Nervous system examination:

Higher mental function intact.





Treatment given:







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