23 Year old male with body ache,fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

Patient is a 23 year old Male, farmer by occupation.

- Around 6 days ago after a normal routine day ,he had his dinner   and normal sleep.

-From the next morning he developed

- Body Ache which lasted for 2days , also had headache, abdominal pain , for which he went to a local doctor but pain didn't subside.

- Fever associated with chills and rigor which decreased with medication from a local doctor but the abdominal pain was consistent.

-Loose stools around 8-10 times per day for 3days , no blood in stools.

- Vomiting 10 times per day which was associated with nausea, has food contents in it , non bilious , non projectile , not blood stained.

- No history of outside food consumption.Only home made chicken last night.


No similar complaints in past.

No history of Diabetes, hypertension,asthama, seizure and cad.

No addictions.

FAMILY HISTORY: Not significant.

Personal history:


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